Bring Back the iPod Shuffle: Why This Iconic Music Player Deserves a Comeback

Bring Back the iPod Shuffle: Why This Iconic Music Player Deserves a Comeback

I think Apple should bring back the iPod Shuffle.  

I fell in love with the simplicity of the Shuffle. That’s all I want right now… a new iPod Shuffle would be a dream come true. Imagine all the podcasts you can listen to on long walks without HAVING A PHONE. I miss those days. No phones. 

That’s why I stopped wearing Apple Watches. I don’t want a screen, I want a portable music player that doesn’t tempt me. 

We have books offline, why not music?

Apple, if you’re reading this. Guardians of the Galaxy proved there is a massive market for offline music. Record, cassette and CD stores are popping back up. It’s an awesome time to had some friction back into our lives. 

That’s what made music special before, there was friction to get it. Whether it was your parents who said no, or going to the store and buying CD-Rs or you had to wait in line, obtaining music came with a story. 

Now with everything at a finger’s touch, we lost the opportunity to create new stories. 

We A LOT talk about mindfulness, but real mindfulness is understanding that friction and obstacles are the friends we need to discover the story we always wanted. 

That’s why tough times are important, we begin to remember the simple little pleasures like learning to love popcorn and m&ms or making roti. 

We don’t need more, we need less because as the saying goes… less is always more. 

Also because why not… wouldn’t It be funny if THIS post made me Apple’s product manager for the iPod Shuffle and other offline experiences. That would be a dream, I get to live Steve Job's dream. Wouldn’t that be a story? 

A Hindu reincarnates the iPod that was originally pioneered by a that's a little too much... or maybe... a LinkedIn Post about an offline music player leads to a job at Apple… 

Then I would have to say…. uh... thank you Microsoft? Lol 😂 

PS - I actually always loved the Zune (and Windows Phone), Metro UI was amazing, it was ahead of it's time. 

Hey Microsoft, that’s a cool idea, you should build an offline music player that just runs the music apps and then each music app has an offline playlist that syncs, just use a stripped down Android build. Done. 

A solved problem… SOLVED AGAIN 😂 ... everything old is new again.

My name is Bhavin, I’m a standup comedian, tech entrepreneur, and viral content creator (60M Views on

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